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How to deal with acne while traveling 

Baby, the struggle is real.

Hey bitchachos. I decided to make a more controversial post for anyone who might be experiencing the same pain in the a** as I am; acne. Having what you would call an acne prone skin, something I’ve had since I was like, 13-14 years old has helped me in finding ways “around it”, especially when traveling. I am currently 25 and Lord knows that I still get breakouts, sometimes it gets better, but sometimes my skin flips the F out and has a major break out.

Anyway, if y’all can relate, and are planning to travel or are currently traveling or are just here for the ride/curiosity, here are my tricks to deal with my acne while I’m traveling. So cute, I know.

Also, this post is by no means a treatment for acne. Don’t get me wrong, this has not cured my acne, these tips have just helped my outbreaks chill the F out.

No touchy

Ok, this is a no brainer. Do not ever touch your face at any point. In general, there’s so many bacteria that are flying around, and on things you touch. So please, keep your hands away from your face. I know this is difficult to execute cause you’re probably used to touching your face throughout the day, or you might not even realise you’re doing this, but please please be very careful and attentive to avoid touching your face. Whether you’re on the plane, or are touring around, keep away, mmkay?

Pat it

When traveling, I tend to over-produce oil. (Ew, I know – very lady like of me to be sharing this with you, but you’re here for a reason). I found that carrying absorbing-oil patting paper to freshen myself up throughout the flight or in the day makes me feel lighter. It also helps with having some oil control – again, ew.

You can find these in any drug-store, like Boots, but you can even find them from Fenty beauty or Beauty blender for all fellow boojie sisters out there.

Tone it down

I like to do this on the plane as well as when touring, especially in more polluted and humid destinations. I pack some toner with me in a travel bottle with a few cotton wipes to give myself a touch up throughout the day. However, I only do this once though! I have found that (if not wearing any make up ofc), this has helped me with cleansing my skin in cases where I can’t properly wash it and give myself a fresh glow. Don’t overdo it though, you’ll end up harming your skin and cause a break-out, so be gentle!

I use my trusty La Roche Posay Effaclar toner or the Khiels Oil-Free.

Wash it away

I can’t stress this enough. Wash your face the moment you arrive home, especially when you come back from a long flight or a long day of touring around. Just imagine that your pores are exposed to everything all day long, so bacteria and dirt are bound to find their way towards your skin. So washing it can help with wiping away all that badness and leave you with a fresh protected face! However, don’t overdo it as it can cause irritation – try washing your face two or three times a day max.

I use the simplest and calmest face wash – either Simple Kind to Skin or my trusty La Roche Posay Effaclar for acne skin. They’re also super affordable so yay!

Mask that acne up

If you’ve had a rough day out or have just gotten to your accommodation from a long day of flying, put on a face mask that will help with rejuvenating your skin. I use the Dr. Sebagh mask for sensitive skin, you only wear it for 5-10 minutes and it has helped me with not breaking out so far. I’ve been using it for the past year, I am happy. So far. I’ve been trying the Sunday Riley Saturn Sulfur Acne Treatment Mask and it’s good y’all.

Ointment (I hate this word)

This is a no brainer, obviously. I never, ever leave anywhere without my acne medication ointment. I so hate that word. With the change of environment and the stress my skin goes through with flying and whatnot, that’s when my skin needs the extra help the most. So I never leave without it, and wear it most nights. It helps y’all.

I have used many gels throughout the years. I’m currently using Duac gel – the extra strong one and it fucking works, hallelujah! I also have my trusty retinoid creams for scars but I don’t really use that when traveling.

Make it up

This isn’t the best tip I have given, nor is it the most fun and ground-breaking but try to avoid wearing makeup. I know, it is hard, but if you’re prone to acne like me, I only wear make up on days that I feel like it is necessary. I feel like wearing makeup when flying is literally a recipe for a breakout. And I know I don’t look my best without it, but b*tch it ain’t my fault. I didn’t choose the acne life, it chose me, so give people with it a mother-effing break ok?

Sun down

Don’t forget your sunscreen. Sunscreen for your skin type will save you.  It’s also the secret to young skin, so gurl, I shouldn’t even try to persuade you. Heading to a sunny destination, this should be the first thing you pack. You’ll thank yourself in a few years time!

PH it

This will sound super paranoid, but, I may have a point. Not all water consistencies and PH are the same! So changing environments and thus changing the water PH your skin is used to might cause you to break out. Again, I know, this is too much but hey, if it works! I always use the same micellar and toners to cleanse, but to wash my face, yes, I use bottled water. Don’t knock it till you try it.


Well, thank you for reading this post, and I hope you enjoyed it! I hope it has helped you with getting your acne under control when traveling!

For more beauty tips, check out my other page! 🙂

-VB x

About me

Hi bitchachos!

I'm Evie (phonetically – ee-vee), a little islander from Cyprus who loves to travel. I’ve been based in London for the past seven years, but really, I'm based all over the world.

Thank you for following along on my adventures, and I truly hope that my insights from all around the globe will be of value to you and your future trips!

- VB x
